In this sixth episode, recorded on Palm Sunday at the start of Holy Week 2021, we study five works of art corresponding to the Five Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.
oil painting
Episode 1: Introduction to sacred art
Hello and welcome to Saint Luke’s Gallery. The purpose of this site is to share my appreciation of sacred art with you, and hopefully persuade you to look at art in general, in a new perspective. One reason why I created this site is because we’re all looking at our computers, iPads and phones – especially now with so much of the outside world locked down. Unfortunately, a lot of what’s online is designed to provoke us, scandalize us and in the case of most social media outlets, dumb us down. I don’t know about you but I’d like to see more positivity and on that note, I hope you’ll enjoy this introduction and visit St. Luke’s regularly as I develop a series.